Social Justice and Socialism
By George Poulo

    Justice can be defined as the way we balance equality and freedom: equality: treating things the same and freedom: treating things differently.  Social justice is a balance between the way we treat people equally and the way we allow them to be different (freedom: the right to be different).  Constitutional law which protects the bedrock of Democracy, our constitution, assumes that all people are to be treated equally under the law unless there is a significant difference that must be taken into account.  For example, all are treated equally but doctors have certain privileges that gives them certain rights to care for people medically due to their knowledge, education, and skill.  The same might be said for policeman, politicians, and clergy or the unborn and homosexuals.

    Socialism does not recognize differences except for the law and the police.  As such it becomes tyrannical (same clothes, same houses, same cars, same education, same thought, and same religion: tyranny).  It forces all people to be the same which is unnatural and destructive to the will.  Socialism treats people as ideas rather than as actual and ideology is blind to reality and tolerance for differences.  Socialism can not work because people are “actually” different, not the same.  We treat them as though they are the same to preserve justice but justice can not be served if we do not recognize the inherent “originality” of all people.

    Scripturally we need only to look at 1Cor12:13-31 to see Paul’s treatment of social justice.  We treat the weaker members of the body with as much respect and dignity as the stronger ones though there is in fact a difference in function and power.

    Socialism apart from redemption will be the worst form of tyranny the world has ever seen.  We need only look at Lenin and Stalin to see the consequences of socialism in the political arena.  There is no difference between Socialism and Communism to my way of thinking.  Socialism spirals naturally to communism and tyranny because man is not actually the same but different and demands to be treated as such.  When he is not treated as different and unique he balks.

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